- Bry-Air has moved all MiniPAC production and inventory storage to their new Worthington, OH location.
- Bry-Air finalized the move 4/6 and full shipping/receiving operations are underway.
- Bry-Air needed to expand its operations due to its entry into the battery dry room market and the resulting increase in demand.
- Bry-Air is immediately hiring positions for a full production team and for administrative staff at the new location.
Bry-Air USA is happy to announce it has finalized its expansion to a new production and inventory storage plant in Worthington, OH. Due to its entry into the battery dry room market and an increase in customer demand, Bry-Air has decided to move all of its MiniPAC production and storage activities to this new location in order to foster its steady growth company-wide. “Plant #2” has now assumed full shipping and receiving operations.
Bry-Air Owner & CEO Mel Meyers commented:
“As a result of our exponential growth in all of our business units our original plan can no longer support our present and future sales. While all businesses are experiencing rapid growth, the business serving the Lithium-Ion battery manufacturers is growing the most. In a short three years, Bry-Air has become a recognized leader in the turnkey dry room market. Our sales of desiccant dehumidifiers to this market has also grown dramatically. In addition, our significant investment in our extensive line of compact units has resulted in a major increase in business. For example, we now carry about a million dollars of inventory to support our industry-leading same-day shipping program and to support our e-Commerce site. In fact, Plant #2 will be used exclusively by the MiniPAC® business from production to shipping. Of course, this overall growth has generated several attractive positions. If you are a successful team player, please see our website, www.bry-air.com for more information.”
Bry-Air is hiring immediately at the new plant for administrative staff and positions for a full production team, including applications engineers, electrical production assemblers, and welders. Interested applicants are encouraged to visit the Bry-Air website for more information.
Bry-Air has been a customer-focused leader in the field of environmental control systems for over 50 years, and is proud to showcase its continued growth and constant care and attention to its customers. This new location will play a vital role in the Company’s ambitions to grow well, to be the best company in the industry, and to continue to offer the world-class level of service and professionalism our customers depend on.