Dehumidification in Storage Silos

Storage silos are a vital component of many industries, including agriculture, food processing, and manufacturing. When bulk dry materials like grains, wood pellets, coal, or any other dry products, are kept in storage silos, that material’s number one enemy is moisture. Any dampness can create mold, reduce the product quality, and even result in wastage. At Bry-Air, we offer dehumidification solutions for all types of storage facilities to ensure your peace of mind. Keep reading to learn more about dehumidification in storage silos and how it can benefit you and keep your costs down.

What Is Commercial Dehumidification?

While using storage silos for dry bulk materials is the best option, it does face issues with moisture. In particular, the unoccupied space directly above the dry product (known as the ullage) is prone to condensation problems. Dehumidification is a process by which moisture is removed from the air, the ideal solution in this setting.

Why Is Moisture in Storage Silos Bad?

Many products stored in silos are hygroscopic, meaning they readily absorb and retain moisture. In order to prevent condensation, storage silos require stable humidity. There are a number of problems caused when moisture is introduced.

  • Bacteria growing and spoiling the product.
  • Products clumping, caking, and adhering to the silo sides.
  • Aeration problems resulting in difficulty unloading the product.
  • Silo blockage.
  • Corrosion, rust, and deterioration of equipment and infrastructure within the silos.

What Is Dehumidification in Storage Silos?

There are a number of mechanical devices, such as vibration pads and hammers, that can help to minimize the effects of product build-up, but they do not address the core issue of moisture. Bry-Air offers innovative dehumidification solutions designed specifically for storage silos. These products function to regulate moisture content by preventing condensation, thus creating a controlled environment that ensures the quality and longevity of the stored product. Read more about the purpose of commercial dehumidifiers here.

Bry-Air Dehumidification Systems

Dehumidification plays a crucial role in maintaining the quality and integrity of products stored in silos. Bry-Air’s innovative dehumidification solutions offer efficient and customizable options for various industries, helping to combat the detrimental effects of high humidity. We offer a range of energy-efficient and customizable dehumidification systems and products, all designed to help make your life easier.

Why Choose Bry-Air?

Bry-Air was founded in 1964 in Sunbury, OH, and has been a customer-focused leader in the field of environmental control systems for over 60 years. Our success has always been and will continue to be based on providing our customers with solutions to their most difficult moisture-related challenges in a way that makes it easy to do business with us. In addition to installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting, our team of experts also provides training and education to ensure users are able to maximize the benefits of their systems.

Contact Bry-Air Today

At Bry-Air, we constantly strive to contribute our technical and practical expertise to each customer-focused partnership promptly, accurately, and professionally. Contact us today to find out more about our many products and how we can help you with your moisture problems. Call 877-427-9247 (toll free) or 740-965-2974, or email us at for your free estimate today. We look forward to hearing from you.